Friday, June 4, 2010

What the Beatle?

Sir Paul McCartney was able to prove how apt a drug-ridden British mind worked when commenting on American politics. Paul was presented the Gershwin Prize by President Obama this week and, followed by roaring laughter, said:

"It's a fantastic honor (for) the Gershwin family to give me this incredible award and for me to be awarded it by the Library of Congress. And in fact, after the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is,"


Several points to be made here. First, I'm not exactly the biggest President Bush fan but I am an American citizen so I seem to be one upping Sir Paul in that case. When he says "It's great to have a president" I'm concerned to where he thinks he's been in the last eight years.

Secondly, oh so you don't think President Bush knew what a library was, I mean that's funny. I'm guessing since Bush has been out of office for almost 2 years that Paul has been just dying to get a chance to use that one. Is that what we still do? Make cheap shots at former Presidents?

Thirdly, wait a minute, who is Bush's wife. Laura Bush, the librarian? Well yeah that's the truth there. Former President Bush's wife Laura has been a librarian most of her life so we have to assume he has heard of this library, maybe even saw a picture.

Lastly, George W. Bush graduated from Harvard Business School with an MBA. In fact, he's the only president to ever do so. And I know they have some of those libraries up there in Harvardville.

This is why liberals fail. They do not have truth on their side. I mean no one really cares what Paul McCartney says most of the time, but really, what's up with the thunderous laughter after his statements.


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