
My name is Brandon Burkett. I started writing this blog based on unexpressed feelings and opinions I had on the decaying state of our church, community, and country. This went on for about 3 months until I felt I needed to move on from just being frustrated and get around to restoring my world back to what it should be. To restore our church back to a place of love and inspiration, where anyone can experience a face to face encounter with our God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, and His Holy Spirit that engages us in power and in love and dwells inside of us. To restore our communities back to a place of friendship and charity. A community that stands together and strengthens and supports our families. To restore the greatest country known to history. Restore America to the founding father's intentions of a land overflowing with liberty and freedom. A true republic that the world has never seen.

You'll see that the early posts on this blog were mostly politically based but that's only because so much character and substance is missing from elected officials who are supposed to be representing us. I'm only trying to do what I'm passionate about and that is restoring to greatness. Greatness existed once in our churches, communities, and country. Somehow this generation has been defined as post-modern and what that means to me is that our greatness is over. Fortunately enough we serve a God whose entire purpose since the fall of Adam was to restore man to the greatness He intended him to be. After the first 3 chapters of our Holy Bible, the remaining thousands of pages are dedicated to God's plan for man's redemption.

It's time for a movement in America unlike any before. Its not social progress that's needed, its social restoration. Please join me and many others as we read our Bible, pray to the omnipotent God, and love our family, neighbors, and even strangers. History has repeated itself so many times. A generation has never had this much of a chance to break the cycle that has pulled us down to death. God bless everyone of you who has stumbled upon this blog and I want you to know that if you work to restore your church, your community, and your country, it will not be in vain. We will fight the good fight and finish the race.


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