Monday, June 7, 2010

Home, let me go home.

Who is Helen Thomas? Who knows. I never knew until a few days ago.

Well Helen Thomas is a woman who's face isn't even as ugly as her hatred. And her face ain't pretty. She has served as a White House journalist since the Eisenhower era which makes her 89 years old. Not to diss on old people but her remarks this week had nothing to do with being senile and everything to do with having a deep hatred and evil buried inside of her.

Watch this video and try to keep your dinner down..

I can't think of anything more offensive and callous to say to Jewish people. Here is the full transcript in case you can't see the video:

Reporter: Any comments on Israel?
Thomas: Tell 'em to get the hell out of Palestine.
Reporter: oooh. Any better comments on Israel?
Thomas: Hahaha... Remember these people are occupied and its their land, not Germany and not Poland.
Reporter: So where should they go, what should they do?
Thomas: They should go home.
Reporter: And where's home?
Thomas: Poland. Germany.
Reporter: You think Jews should go back to Poland and Germany?
Thomas: And America and everywhere else.

As if there has not been enough hatred towards Israel recently, these unapologetic statements to the welfare of Jewish people is simply horrifying.

The most horrifying part of Thomas' comments, to me, was when she said Jews should leave "Palestine". I understand the general region around Israel and Jordan is known as Palestine, but don't be naive to think that's what Thomas was referring to. She believes Israel is not the Jewish peoples home. She believes the region should belong to Palestinians, Islamic militants, and terrorists.

If you believe the Bible, you believe that the Jewish nation has a place in Israel. The fact that Islam is reigning down upon the region has nothing to do with the land. If you think it's because they want to own the land of Israel, the country slightly smaller than New Jersey, you're completely ignorant. The land is nothing but desert and mountains. There is nothing significant about the land for Islam to want it so bad. The Palestinians wanting control of Israel has nothing to do with the land and everything to do with wanting to stomp out every Jewish and Christian person on the face of the planet. Do not think Helen Thomas is the only one. Islamo-facists have their hands around the necks of Israel and for some reason their support in the media is growing. The evil is growing and mounting up against Israel.

This is my protest to the young generation: Do not be foolish and believe what God has promised Israel. The media will sell nonsensical ideas of peace between Israel and Palestine but insane journalists are too limited to see that there is no possibility of peace between a country that vows to kill another country in their own homelands. Islamo-fascism has repeatedly swore to wipe Israel, who they call the "little satan", off the map but yet almost the entire world has painted Israel as its enemy against peace. Can't you see how insane this is.

Helen Thomas is not the only one. Evil is in this world. Evil will disguise hate as peace and insane as reasonable. The fact that Israel is already living in its rightful home is proof to Satan that he is already losing. Revelation chapter 12 will tell you what evil will try to do to Israel but Revelation chapter 20 will tell you how God has already defeated evil.

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