Friday, June 11, 2010

This guy even wrote "The Jungle Book"...

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man.
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire.
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire.
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins

"The Gods of the Copybook Headings"
Rudyard Kipling 1919

Those words were written in 1919 by Rudyard Kipling. That's right, the guy that wrote "The Jungle Book". While I've come to prefer Disney's version of Mowgli and Baloo's jungle adventures, this guy was a pretty fair writer. In fact, Kipling won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1907. The most amazing part about Kipling to me is that he lived through the first era of Progessivism and remained a staunch libertarian. Kipling knew the price of a man's freedom could not be bought by any sort of government.

Kipling says you are a fool if you follow social progress because it always leads back to the same thing. "The burnt fool's hand goes wabbling back to the fire." People are fools when they believe that a progressive government will save them from the fire. The only thing a progressive government will do is make you believe your being pulled out of a fire only to be put into another one.

"When all men are paid for existing". Welfare? Health care? Bailouts? Progressive government wants to create rights for you. Rights do not come from man. Progressive government will not give you anything real. Your rights are "endowed by your Creator" if I may quote our Declaration. You do not get paid for living.

"And no man must pay for his sins". I don't even have to venture into that part of the discussion. You're living in a world where there are no consequences for evil that people do. They can commit felonies as a senator and never be questioned. They can organize with radical marxists and get a position as a presidential adviser. They can promote terror from a desert and receive compassion from foreign diplomats. There is no line a progressive government will not cross.

But I know that is not you. You are willing to fight against totalitarianism. You do not need a man to give you your rights. You have your rights from the God that created you and is ever present in this world. I know that you will fight against a government that seeks to own you.

Anyway, if you want to know more about the evils of progessivism, email me. And check out more of Rudyard Kipling's work. He was a writing genius who despised big government. Shortly before he died he gave a speech entitled "An Undefended Island" about the danger that Nazi Germany would infringe upon the United Kingdom. But I won't blame you if you just choose to watch Baloo sing "The Bear Necessities".

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