Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I don't see why this man should not get an adequate amount of consideration for the 2012 Presidential Nomination. From other speeches from him he has spoken unapologetically for smaller government. The qualities he pushes for in this particular speech are amazing to hear from a politician. Responsibility, honor, and courage is what the next generation (that's you) needs to restore America. Give up your dependence on government because they will never be able to do for you what you can do for yourself. Governor Christie seems to have a mind to turn the state of New Jersey around and while it might not be him running for President in 2012, I sincerely hope it's someone who speaks and lives with the same values.

Somebody needs to step up to the plate because there are no leaders right now talking about a smaller government and less taxes. I don't know really much of anything about Governor Christie personally but I hope he lives up to the inspirational words he speaks. That will really be the key in 2012. Somebody who is willing to stop being a politician and take responsibility and leadership on their shoulders. In the next 2 years be on the look out for a candidate of values and restorationist mind towards America. That's your job. God bless.

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