Thursday, June 17, 2010

State v. Fed

I've yet to comment on this blog my opinions of Arizona's recent immigration reform law. This is a reform law that has had everyone in the media and federal government up in arms. Let me give you a few basic facts about the Arizona immigration law that you may not know if you haven't read it, as most of the critics have not.

  • Over 20 times in the Arizona law it states "in accordance with Federal Law #..." The law adds no new immigration reform, it only attempts to enforce what the US law has been for years.

  • The AZ immgration law now makes it a misdemeanor on a state level to reside as an illegal immigrant.

  • Police may not use race or ethnicity as a determining factor in investigating a person's legal status. The only way an officer may question a person's legal status is at a legal confrontation such as traffic stops, arrests, and check points.

So these are general guidelines you can use to debate a person who believes following proper immigration enforcement is illegal, un-American, and God forbid racist. Give me a break on that racist bit. If we had the problem of too many illegal immigrants coming from Canada would there be rallies against the evil racists that are cracking down on the half French people that say "eh" too much? Race has nothing to do with that fact that too many Mexican residents are seeking to live illegally in America. We don't turn away legal residents. There is a perfectly good front door to citizenship that anyone may enter but they choose instead to go through the back door of Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and California borders. Arizona passed illegal immigration laws because the federal government has been to inept to enforce their own.

Now to get to the real point of this blog. The Obama Administration's reaction to the AZ law has been overwhelmingly negative even though many members have come out and admitted they have not read the law. More liberal states such as California have promoted boycotts of Arizona until they reverse the law. Obama's administration has done nothing but fuel the fire in this debate that is steadily rising to civil war between Arizona and California. Now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had this to say to an interviewer in Ecuador.

Now if your surprised that this is the first place you've heard about a lawsuit from the Feds to the State, you're right. Somehow Sec. Clinton deemed it acceptable to release that kind of information on an Ecuadorian news station. American media had not gotten that information. The Senate and House of Representatives had not heard of a lawsuit. Even Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona had to hear about this lawsuit from Ecuador. Brewer has announced she'll fight the lawsuit entirely, as she should, being in sole responsibility of the executive decisions of Arizona. She needs to protect her state at any cost.

The story of Clinton jumping the gun and announcing a lawsuit against Arizona surfaced a few days ago and now an updated story tells that the Obama Administration is indeed pursuing a lawsuit, while their attorney's continue to evaluate the law. This story is something you're really going to have to follow. This Federal Government has over stepped its bounds in so many ways but are they really going to march down to Arizona and tell them they can't make their laws? I understand illegal immigration is a federal issue but when the fed is too incompetent to enforce a law, how wrong is it for a state to exercise its sovereignty? We shall see how far this administration will go to fuel civil war among states.

And in case you'd like a weekend project, please search something out for me. Has the Federal Government ever sued a state over the state's own law. I honestly don't know but from a 5 minute Google search I say no. That would be unprecedented. Search it out though, because I really want to know the situations when its okay for our Federal Government to sue a state. However, I believe this administration thinks that everything is okay when it comes to exercising their power. So I beg you to strive for less power, smaller government, less taxes, more freedom.

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