Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So there's a moratorium right now on all offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. For America, that is, because all the other countries are still drilling. A moratorium is basically a halt to any activity of offshore drilling. This will just be a quick post because this is a quick thought I had on the matter.

Crude oil is America's primary resource of energy we use it for everything. The recent "green" attempts at energy have, in my opinion, been nothing but manipulative scheme for money. But that's another matter. The basic point is that we do not yet have a viable substitute for oil. I think it's fine to work towards finding other sources but only if they make sense. Oil is sustaining all of our needs right now and if it wasn't for environmental laws, America would be completely dependent in oil use instead of having to import some 66% of our oil.

So right now there is a ban on America's number one source of energy. Anyone see a problem with that? I understand that there was a terrible accident from an offshore oil rig but since when does an accident mean we have to stop everything. If a school bus flies of the road and kills all the children aboard, I can't really think of a worse tradegy than that. However, the next day school buses all around the world are still running.

You might say, "Well we need to get off our oil addiction and start trying new ones because our oil is going to run out." Well first I would be interested in a report that says the world is running out of oil. I'm really sure how you would go about determining that. But the point I'm trying to make is that God would not put us on this earth without enough resources. The only reason God put oil here is for us to use it for energy. He knew what we were going to do with it. God's forknowledge is like our past knowledge. He knew how we were going to use oil and how much. You think you can take God by surprise because we drive around in big Ford F-350s getting 8 miles to the gallon?

The problem with America's use of oil is in the beauracracy. More oil than we'll ever need is buried below America's national parks. We can't drill in those areas of course because of environmental laws. This forces us to drill in international waters and way out in the Gulf and when accidents happen, it is much more tragic. Thank you for letting me give you something to think about.

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