Friday, June 4, 2010

Oil and Water

Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
Who knows if that statement is fact. It's surely popular folklore.

I hope everyone in my generation realizes that they are living through the worst ecological disaster in United States history. April 20th is the day that a BP offshore oil rig exploded and started to leak, what some now estimate, 20 to 40 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. If you are in my generation I understand that not all of you read the news or pay attention to the government and I understand that some probably do. So I want to inform you that this event is BP's fault. Why wouldn't it be, it's obvious. But what is not obvious is why our increasingly amateur administration continues to be worthless in acting upon the situation.

I love nature a lot. I know that I love nature more than most liberals who develop theories and write books on nature. I know without a doubt that I spend more time in nature than any liberal developing theories or writing books.

What I can not comprehend is why every liberal environmentalist and every conservative capitalist has not united in this case and demanded an answer to the lackadaisical and half-hearted response by the Obama administration. How much worse could it get. Millions of gallons of oil is polluting the ocean right now, killing all of fish, all the birds, all the crabs and washing up on beaches. Where are you liberal environmentalists? Millions of gallons of oil is polluting the ocean and destroying fishing businesses, destroying tourist beach areas and will ultimately skyrocketing the price of oil. Where are you capitalists?

Everyone gets hurt in this situation but if you would, could you tell me what our president is doing....

I said it at the beginning, Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Obama... has done everything except take action to save the ocean.

Let me breakdown a timeline of important activities the president has done since April 20th.

Day 1- April 20th-
BP oil rig explosion, oil starts leaking
Day 3- Obama hosts reception to honor Earth Day (no irony intended), then flies to NYC to tell Wall Street what to do.
Day 4- Takes a vacation in Asheville, NC (he had BBQ for lunch) and golfed.
Day 5- Golfed... (I'm not kidding)
Day 12- Hangs out with Jay Leno at a White House Correspondents Dinner and makes jokes about his birth country. (ha?)
Day 13- FINALLY makes a speech in Louisiana about the disaster.
Day 16- Cinco de Mayo party!!!!
Day 19- Golfed....?
Day 20- Commencement speech at Hampton University. The one where he said information can be distracting. I hope I'm not distracting you by providing a factual timeline here.
Day 22- Golf with Joe Biden. That's a little different.
Day 25- FINALLY addresses the oil spill in a White House speech.
Day 26- Golf. Like you didn't see that coming.
Day 30- Hosts Mexico's president Felipe Calderón and they have fun bashing Arizona and America together.
Day 33- Golf. How could I make this up?
Day 36- Attends party with Getty oil family in San Francisco and then snaps to his aides, "Plug the damn hole." (ohhhhhhhh.)

For Memorial Weekend the Obama family also had a lovely vacation in Chicago next to the Farrakhan family.

And to top this eventful six weeks off, Obama got to present Sir Paul McCartney with the Gershwin prize for popular song and Sir Paul just gushed and gushed about Mr. President, kind of like how the oil leak is gushing and gushing.

and gushing.

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