Friday, December 3, 2010

Greencastle has an Uber Progressive club?

This has shocked me beyond measure. If anyone from Greencastle, PA has paid any attention to the last few town gatherings, ie. parades, Heritage Christmas, you may have noticed the presence of a group called the Greencastle/Antrim Democratic Club. Ok I know there are Democrats in Greencastle. Actually I think there's a lot but like the old school Democrats that actually like freedom and liberty and smaller government. But two minutes on their poorly designed blog site and I find socialist and progressive ideals that could have come straight from the mouth of Van Jones! Here's one blog post that was posted after the "shellacking" on November 2nd.

  Don't Mourn...Organize! 
That's been the rallying cry of progressives throughout our country's history.  And, although we have taken a backward step in this election, we cannot stop working for change and social justice for everyone in our country. There are plenty of issues that will need our engagement in the months ahead.  We have to protect the gains we made during President Obama's first two years -- particularly health care and banking reform. We need to pass fair tax legislation in this Congress. We need to protect Pennsylvania from the environmental degradation of drilling in the Marcellus shale. We need to continue to fight for single payer health care for Pennsylvania. Add your issues to the list and then come to our next meeting on November 8 at 7 pm at the Greencastle Presbyterian Church in Greencastle. Let's discuss "what is to be done!"
This is the opposite of the message that Greencastle, Pennsylvania, and even America sent to our government in November's election. Please don't buy into the delusion of this Democratic Club. They are progressive and they want to bring an end to your liberty as you know it and make a nanny state for us all. I'm not saying heckle the people but we need to start addressing this club and debating them on fundamental principles of the United States. No more prancing around Greencastle with these kind of delusional policies.

On a sort of a side note, where do the progressives hold this organizing gene? I mean that's all that they're good at. Don't mourn...organize? Really. They put their entire life into organizing for the Democrat Club. I barely have enough time to manage this blog because I'm too busy living my life and trying not to be drowned by these new progressive policies. I actually thought about forming a Conservative or Tea Party club one time but I was like who has time to sit around and talk about this? I mean I have an idea that an overwhelming number of Greencastle citizens would love to join together with people that share their same values but to organize to the extent that this Democratic Club is organize would be exhausting because frankly we have more important things in our life.

Greencastle has yet to be too hard hit by a socialist state but that's because we stick to our roots and values. Stick to the fundamentals of America and we can be strong against this attack in our community.

(P.S. My name is Brandon Burkett and you are free to express your opinions here. I don't censor your opinions like the Greencastle/Antrim Democratic Club does on their blogspot. God bless.)

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