Please take about 15 minutes to watch this video. It'll be worth your time to learn about a champion of the Christian faith.
I stumbled across this interview on Glenn Beck and found this guy Dietrich Bonhoeffer to be pretty interesting. I'm always finding myself interested in the Christian leaders who attempt to pull the church away from the secular attractions that occur in almost every society. And what's even more uniquely interesting about it is that The Church (Jesus' church that started in Acts 2) always has the same struggles throughout time, no matter the society or government, and you always find someone, like Bonhoeffer or George Whitfield, who has the courage to try to reel the church back into God's Word. I hope I can eventually get around to reading this book because it seems like it can be really encouraging to hear about a guy with boldness to stand against Nazis. I mean America's churches are struggling and its hard enough to try to stand against this secular pulling, and we aren't against Nazis (yet).
I'm also really impressed with the author of this book, Eric Metaxas. I know nothing about him but he is speaking with boldness the truths of Jesus Christ on national television. I'd like to learn more about the other books he's written also. And for the record, if anyone has a problem with Fox News or Glenn Beck, I mean listen to what this guy promotes on his national show. He was proclaiming the truth and love of Jesus more clearly than I hear from a pulpit in some cases. This is the Christianity we need to find. People are not looking for the run down dogmatic religion. Just like Bonheoffer they want the real deal in their hearts as well as their heads. Americans need an awakening like Bonheoffer found in that Harlem church. This is the history we need to learn. We need to learn about the prophets of the Christian faith who have been God's vessels in rescuing the church when the church was morphing into the secular society. Its a very inspiring story to Christians living in America right now. And in the condition that America is in right now, I implore all of you to question with boldness and seek God with more boldness.
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