Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pesky Freedoms

If you have been living in a hole somewhere in the last 30 days you may not have realized that New York will gain a new Mosque and Cultural Center. The reason this has gained attention is because the new mosque will sit 2 blocks away from Ground Zero. This is something I'd like to inform you about and you need to be made aware of what is really going on here.

What you may not know is that our country has something called religious freedom. Huh.. Really, I swear, watch the video with President Obama again. He says its in something called a Constitution and our Founders were really wild about this "religious freedom". I think its the 4th amendement or like 14th maybe. Now if sarcasm isn't translating well on your blog reader, let me tell you that EVERYONE knows what religious freedom is and it is the cornerstone of why America was founded. Thank you President Obama for always forcing that pesky Constitution down our throats even when we try to resist.

President Obama didn't think for a second when he spoke out to defend the right to build a mosque anywhere you want, but if this seems strange, uncharacteristic, even hypocritical to you, you might have your head screwed on straight. President Obama spoke so fast that he got a lot of heat for his original comments and he had to come back and verify his stance, which is the video you see above. (Oh and a big BTW... the President addressed this issue, whilst hosting a Ramadan dinner at the White House.)

Ok so if you can think for yourself and can multi-task at least two things, you'll know that anyone of any religion has the right to build a church, mosque, synagogue wherever they want. You know that but topic of debate in this case is the wisdom of building a mosque there, which Obama so eloquently avoided. He does seem to be consistently adamant when confronting an infringement on religious freedom, you know except for the following examples.

  • During National Prayer Week May 3-7, Wickenburg Christian Academy student's were removed from the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court for bowing their heads and praying together. A posted guard asked the group to move to the street to pray, they weren't allowed to on the steps, they asked, "Since when?" The answer? "This week". 
  • On June 25th, teens from the Young America's Foundation were singing the National Anthem on the Lincoln Memorial when they were told to stop by a security guard. The guard said that these types of demonstrations could only be content-neutral. 
  • What do you think would happen if a nativity scene were placed in downtown New York. Or even your town for example, because there were hundreds of reports of nativity scenes being removed around the country.
  • On July 3rd, a 25 year old was arrested for praying outside of a Planned Parenthood facility in Chicago. The arrested man for committing "disorderly conduct" in accordance of a new "bubble law" in Chicago that says you are guilty if you approach another person within 8 feet without their consent, but take a look at the video and see how it really went down.

  • The St. Nicolas Greek Orthodox Church was destroyed on 9/11 when large pieces of the World Trade Center fell on the small church building. St. Nicolas has been in constant contact with New York Port Authority since 2001 and has yet to acquire a permit and permission to rebuild. There is currently a donation button asking for donations to help rebuild the historic church because with so little political support, unlike the mosque, its hard to find funds. 

Wow I'm getting exhausted finding all of these examples of infringement of the First Amendment. But I'm sure you've heard all these before. No? You mean our President never came out and set the record straight on our freedoms? Why didn't he? Why all of a sudden is our President voicing out in support of religious freedom like he has a backbone but has obviously never had one before? You can't step too far into this before you see whats really going on here America. The progressive left is all over this issue in defense of religious freedom when they are the very people that brought it into question. Check back on the topic of religious freedom this Christmas to see how many progressives rush to your side of freedom then. 

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