Wednesday, August 4, 2010

They will make it about hate

Hi, I've never wrote a blog post when I have been angry. There's a first time for everything.

In November 2008, the free (and legal) residents of California went to the polls to exercise the simplest form of democracy. They voted. They voted for Proposition 8. Proposition 8 was provision added to the constitution of California that would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Ok, you probably know what happened next. In a state that has been to the furthest reaches of liberalism and progressivism, they passed it. 7 million free Californians exercised their Constitutional right and chose to define marriage in their state as one man, one woman.

Today is a day that will be remembered as another landmark in judicial activism, the proposition was overturned. Let me tell you what just happened to your country.

13,743,177 free Californians voted on Prop 8.
7,001,084 free Californians voted in favor of Prop 8.
6,401,482 free Californians voted against Prop 8.

1 federal judge in a black robe said no.

Tell me what kind of abhorrent tyranny we're living in today. One man is able to silence the voices of 7 million free American citizens? That is a task beyond my comprehension. Even the most ruthless dictators and fascist had to at least buy their votes. Mussolini, Mao, Ahmadenejad, Chavez. They all bought their votes. This is the dream of any ruthless, disgusting dictator, to be able to silence 7 million voices by one swing of a gavel.

I really don't care where you stand on this issue. That is really irrelevant here but what they are going to do is make it about hate. You wanna know what I believe? I believe my Bible. My Bible says that marriage is one man and one woman. And apparently that is what California believes also. Because their citizens told them. If free Californians had decided to allow other definitions of marriage then it would be just as wrong for a judge to take that voice away.

But what the progressives and judicial activists will make it about is how much you hate gays. Do not have a conversation with someone who is going to say that to you. Progressives are way too vile inside to understand that we are upset about a tyrannical judicial ruling and not that boys are gonna marry boys. Progressives will tell you that you're a bad person because you want to support a state's right to make its own rulings. But that's not how they'll say it. They will say you hate. You hate gays and lesbians and you don't want them to have rights. California has the Constitutional right to say how they define marriage in their state, and they did.

Progressives will turn this into an argument of civil rights and if you are a minority you should be puking at that. They will, as they already have, turn homosexuality into a lifestyle and relate their struggles to the struggles of African-Americans and Mexican illegals. If you are a black citizen of this country you are guaranteed life, liberty and to pursue your happiness. And what progressives want is to tell you, black citizen, that homosexuals endure the same biases that you do. Homosexuals were born as people, white, black, yellow, red, made by God, in this country. They have chosen to participate in activities that some states, like California, do not recognize as legitimate. They are NOT like you, black American. You were created by God and born in America with a dark skin color. Homosexuals have chosen to live a certain way that California, in particular, does not allow. Progressives, however, are generalizing and politicizing this issue. Progressives need the ignorant masses to see this as hate because if they see it as it truly is, as a grotesque example of judicial activism, they will lose their power over you. Stand firm against this. I beg you to know what you believe and why you believe it. And to know that you don't believe it out of hate.

The bottom line is that America has lost a little bit of its republic today. The state of California has just been told what to do by a federal judge just as Arizona was told what to do about immigration. Its abhorrent. Its disgusting. Its tyranny. California has already spoken but now their voices have been washed away by the enormous wave of progressivism that make the waves on Huntington Beach look like ripples.

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